(0) 2890 286150


Website Development & Design

Web Hosting

Penetration Testing

Agency Hosting

Web/Mobile Applications

SEO Optimization

IT Consultancy



Server Hosting

We are committed to providing hosting solutions that not only offer high performance and reliability

but also adhere to the highest standards of data security and regulatory compliance. Our hosted servers are ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 compliant, reflecting our dedication to quality management and information security management practices. Additionally, we offer PCI DSS 3.0 compliant hosting, ensuring that all data handled meets the strict security standards required for payment card information.


Compliance Standards Posture

ISO 9001 Compliant

Our commitment to quality management in all aspects of our hosting services ensures that we consistently meet customer and regulatory requirements, enhancing customer satisfaction.

ISO 27001 Compliant

We implement rigorous information security management systems (ISMS) that protect and manage your data securely, reducing risks to the security of information.

PCI DSS 3.0 Compliant Hosting

For businesses handling credit card transactions, our PCI DSS 3.0 compliant hosting provides a secure environment that meets the latest security standards, protecting cardholder data against fraud and breaches.

Global Data Center Locations

To ensure optimal performance, reliability, and compliance with local regulations, TDR Networks maintains state-of-the-art data centers in key locations around the world:

United Kingdom (Belfast)

Our UK data center in Belfast offers robust infrastructure, ensuring reliable and secure service delivery across the United Kingdom and Europe.

Asia (Singapore)

Positioned in one of Asia’s top business hubs, our Singapore data center provides exceptional connectivity and top-tier security for clients across the Asian continent.

Europe (Netherlands)

Located in the heart of Europe, our Netherlands data center benefits from excellent connectivity and advanced security measures, serving clients throughout Europe with reduced latency and high data throughput.

North America (USA)

Our data center in the USA is strategically placed to cater to clients across North America, offering high-capacity network connections and comprehensive security measures.


Leveraging Global Compliance and Local Presence.

TDR Networks combines global compliance with local presence to deliver a hosting solution that meets international standards while also considering regional specificities. This approach not only ensures the security and integrity of your data but also enhances your ability to operate effectively and comply with applicable regulations in different parts of the world.

Best IT Solutions for your Business

Our team brings a wealth of practical experience and technical expertise. A track record of success and satisfied clients.

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Years Experience


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Let's Connect Us?

Your IT challenges, solved.

Interested in elevating your IT infrastructure or curious about how we can drive your business forward? We're here to help. Get in touch with our team to discuss your needs or to simply ask a question. We're ready to provide you with the solutions you need and the support you deserve.

Reach Out Today:

Phone: 028 90 286150
Email: support@tdrnetworks.com
Office Hours:10am - 6pm
Or, fill out our quick Contact form and we'll get back to you promptly.