(0) 2890 286150


Website Development & Design

Web Hosting

Penetration Testing

Agency Hosting

Web/Mobile Applications

SEO Optimization

IT Consultancy


Technology Done Right

IT Services & Solutions.

We bring experience and know-how, to partner with your business to deliver IT service solutions. Technology and support that keeps your business secure, efficient, and resilient.

IT Solutions to ensure your business succeeds.

Technology Done Right. Dedicated IT Services With TDR Solutions.

We bring experience and know-how, to partner with your business to deliver IT solutions. Technology and support that keeps your business secure, efficient, and resilient.

About Us

We’re experts in helping you design, plan, implement, and support your IT infrastructure. We bring 20 years experince of delivering world-class IT services and solutions to clients across Northern Ireland. With an unsurpaseed track record for hosting, networking, application development and technical support.

Our Mission

Our clear aim is to partner with our clients to deliver excellent IT services. From the initial consultation, solution design, implementation, and ongoing support. Our target is to deliver results.

Our Vision

We look forward, anticipating technology developments. Seeing changes in the way our clients can operate and benefit.

Our Services

We build world-class technology solutions, supported by best-in-class service.

Website Dev & Design

Crafting digital spaces, coding brilliance; shaping ideas into functional online experiences.

Web/Mobile Applications

Creating intuitive, scalable apps for seamless user experiences across web and mobile.

Web Hosting Services

Reliable servers, seamless uptime; hosting solutions tailored for your digital presence.

SEO Optimization

Enhancing visibility, boosting rankings; optimizing strategies to dominate search engine results.

Penetration Testing

Probing systems, fortifying defences; identifying vulnerabilities for robust cybersecurity and protection.

IT Consultancy

Guiding technical decisions, optimising systems; tailored solutions for business integration and growth.

Agency Hosting

We take the infrastructure management burden off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on what you do best: creating incredible digital experiences for your clients.

Business Email Solutions

We take the infrastructure management burden off your shoulders, allowing you to focus on what you do best: creating incredible digital experiences for your clients.

An IT services company that understands our client’s needs.

With TDR Solutions you get a partner that assists you steer the critical path of planning and delivering IT services to your business. At TDR, we take the time to understand your business aims and targets. We deliver best of class solutions that meet your objectives.

Your Gateway to Skyrocketing SEO Success

We’re not just an IT company; we’re your partners in navigating the ever-evolving digital landscape. Specializing in cutting-edge SEO strategies, we’re committed to propelling our clients’ websites to the top of search engine rankings. Our team of seasoned experts harnesses a blend of innovative techniques and data-driven insights to ensure your online presence isn’t just seen, but also heard loud and clear across the web.

Best IT Solutions for your Business

Our team brings a wealth of practical experience and technical expertise. A track record of success and satisfied clients.

Years Experience


No. of Clients

Why Choose Us?

Simple! We provide services that will greatly impacted your website and thereby, grow your business

Technology Experts

Our team brings a breadth of technical expertise, mastering innovation & leveraging knowledge.

Awesome Support

Troubleshooting any technical hiccups, offering solutions for maximised uptime.


Fortifying your data & information; safeguarding against evolving threats for resilient protection.

Data Management

Organising, securing, analysing. Optimising your data for informed decisions and operational efficiency.

Service Levels

Delivering on agreed service terms, outlining expectations, responsibilities & ensuring quality service.

Flexible Solutions

Adaptable, versatile approach tailored to meet diverse needs, ensuring excellent outcomes.

Happy Clients 

A few words from some of our customers.

“As a CEO of a growing marketing firm, reliable IT infrastructure is crucial for our success. TDR Networks has been an exceptional partner in this journey. Their expertise in designing and implementing IT systems tailored to our needs has been a game-changer. Their 20-year track record is evident in the seamless integration and support they offer. Highly recommend TDR Networks for their professionalism and technical acumen.”

Jonathan Smith – CEO, Smith Marketing Solutions

“TDR Networks has played a pivotal role in overhauling our educational trust’s IT infrastructure. Their team’s ability to plan and implement complex networking and application development projects is outstanding. The level of ongoing technical support provided is unparalleled in Northern Ireland. They truly understand the needs of their clients and deliver world-class solutions.”

Sarah O’Connor
– Head of IT, Belfast Educational Trust


“Working in the healthcare sector, we require robust and secure IT solutions. TDR Networks has consistently provided us with top-tier hosting and network services, ensuring our patient data is secure and accessible. Their proactive approach in IT management and their exceptional support team have made them an invaluable partner. We trust TDR Networks implicitly for their expertise and experience.”

Michael Byrne
– Operations Director, Northern Health Systems


“As a tech startup, we needed an IT partner who could not only understand our unique needs but also grow with us. TDR Networks has been that partner. Their team’s expertise in application development and technical support has been crucial in our growth. They’re not just service providers; they’re innovation enablers with a remarkable ability to anticipate and cater to our evolving needs.”

Laura Green
– Founder, GreenTech Innovations


We are Loved ♥️ by our Trusted Clients

“As a CEO of a growing marketing firm, reliable IT infrastructure is crucial for our success. TDR Networks has been an exceptional partner in this journey. Their expertise in designing and implementing IT systems tailored to our needs has been a game-changer. Their 20-year track record is evident in the seamless integration and support they offer. Highly recommend TDR Networks for their professionalism and technical acumen.”


Jonathan Smith
CEO, Smith Marketing Solutions
“TDR Networks has played a pivotal role in overhauling our educational trust’s IT infrastructure. Their team’s ability to plan and implement complex networking and application development projects is outstanding. The level of ongoing technical support provided is unparalleled in Northern Ireland. They truly understand the needs of their clients and deliver world-class solutions.”


Sarah Morrison
Head of IT, Belfast Educational Trust

“Working in the healthcare sector, we require robust and secure IT solutions. TDR Networks has consistently provided us with top-tier hosting and network services, ensuring our patient data is secure and accessible. Their proactive approach in IT management and their exceptional support team have made them an invaluable partner. We trust TDR Networks implicitly for their expertise and experience.”


Leland Bloggs
Operations Director, Northern Health Systems

“As a tech startup, we needed an IT partner who could not only understand our unique needs but also grow with us. TDR Networks has been that partner. Their team’s expertise in application development and technical support has been crucial in our growth. They’re not just service providers; they’re innovation enablers with a remarkable ability to anticipate and cater to our evolving needs.”


Jessica Morrison
Founder, GreenTech Innovations

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