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Website Development & Design

Web Hosting

Penetration Testing

Agency Hosting

Web/Mobile Applications

SEO Optimization

IT Consultancy



As TDR Networks, we had the privilege of partnering with Salon 56, a high-end, air-conditioned hair salon renowned for its commitment to exceptional customer service and luxurious experiences. This case study chronicles our collaborative journey in crafting a modern website that reflects the sophistication and elegance synonymous with Salon 56.

How We Started:

Our engagement with Salon 56 began with a shared commitment to enhancing their online presence. Understanding the unique blend of premium services they offered, we set out to create a website that not only showcased the salon’s offerings but also captured the essence of the unparalleled salon experience they provided.

The Mission

Our mission was twofold: to design a website that mirrored the high-end aesthetic of Salon 56 and to ensure that the online platform seamlessly conveyed the salon’s dedication to customer comfort and luxury. The goal was to create a digital extension of the physical salon space, offering visitors a glimpse into the opulence and tranquility awaiting them at Salon 56.

How We Completed

The development process involved a careful balance of aesthetics and functionality. We initiated the project by conducting in-depth consultations with the salon’s management to understand their brand identity, customer expectations, and unique service offerings.

To capture the salon’s ambiance, we opted for a modern and visually appealing design. The website featured high-quality images, providing a virtual tour of the salon’s interior, showcasing the state-of-the-art shiatsu massage chairs, and highlighting the serene atmosphere where customers enjoyed head massages.

A critical aspect of the website was its responsiveness, ensuring an optimal user experience across various devices. We integrated user-friendly navigation, allowing visitors to explore the salon’s services, pricing, and amenities effortlessly. A dedicated section showcased the complimentary refreshments, emphasizing the indulgent experience awaiting every client.


One of the challenges we faced was translating the sensory experience of the salon into a digital format. Capturing the essence of the head massages, the comfort of the massage chairs, and the luxurious beverage offerings required creative solutions in design and content presentation.

Integrating online booking functionalities and ensuring the website’s performance on various devices posed technical challenges. Additionally, aligning the website with the salon’s high-end brand image while maintaining a welcoming and inclusive tone required careful consideration.

Final Results

Despite the challenges, the final result was a website that seamlessly blended elegance with functionality. The online platform effectively communicated the luxurious experience awaiting clients at Salon 56. The immersive visuals, easy navigation, and detailed service descriptions provided potential customers with a virtual preview of the unparalleled salon ambiance.

Online bookings saw a significant uptick, and the website became a valuable tool for client engagement. The integration of a blog section allowed the salon to share beauty tips, trends, and updates, fostering a sense of community with its clientele.

Our collaboration with Salon 56 not only resulted in an aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly website but also strengthened their online brand presence. The website served as a digital gateway for clients to step into the world of Salon 56, creating an anticipation that mirrored the exquisite experiences offered within the salon’s walls.

In conclusion, our work with Salon 56 exemplifies our commitment to translating unique brand identities into compelling digital experiences. The success of this project reinforces our belief in the transformative power of technology to elevate and enhance customer engagement for businesses in the service industry.


2018 Q1




Salon 56

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